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DISCLAIMER: The data on these webpages has not yet been published and is the intellectual property of UNSW. It is provided in good faith and should not be used prior to publication without consent from Mike Manefield, Richard Edwards or Matt Lee at UNSW.

DCMF Web Apollo Genome search tool

This server is part of the supplementary data for the genome assembly of an unusual, dichloromethane-fermenting Peptococcaceae strain, DCMF. DCMF was isolated by the Manefield group at UNSW before being sequenced, assembled and annotated in collaboration with the Edwards lab.

This server allows simple Exonerate or BLAST+ searches of DNA, CDS or protein sequences against the DCMF genome, linking results out to our Web Apollo genome browser with Prokka, JGI and NCBI annotation. Optionally, tracks to display can be listed under Advanced Options.

When the search is complete, open the html tab in the output and click on the Hit field link to open in the Apollo browser. NOTE: If you have been granted a log in for the browser, you will need to use the "(Logged in)" version of the WebApollo ID.

Search Genome: WebApollo ID:

CDS, DNA or protein sequences to search against genome (fasta):
Search method: | Max number of hits returned:

Paste fasta format sequence(s) into text box:

Alternative fasta file upload:

Check/set options below, then click:

After running, click on the html tab to see the summary table of hits with Web Apollo links.

This server is still in development. Please report any odd/unwanted behaviour.

BLAST+ Search Options

NOTE: if no hits are returned, try reducing the min local alignment %identity.

E-Value cut-off for BLAST searches:
Min local alignment length:
Min local alignment %identity:

Advanced Options

List of tracks to display in Web Apollo browser:

Other options:

© 2019 RJ Edwards. Contact: richard.edwards@unsw.edu.au.